
Accessing the App

The Sirensoft app is purely web-based. After signing up, you can access it here.
Access Online Sign Up
For mobile access, you can add the site to your home screen and open it like an app. Click the link below to learn how:

Add a smartphone shortcut
Logging In

Once your account is activated, you will be able to log in.

For tools like quick codes, beat maps, policies, etc, select "patrol tools". For a list of training activities, select "training". For agency-proctored exams, select "testing".

Read the descriptions for each training activity. Each mode serves a different learning purpose.
Patrol Tools
Quick Codes

Sirensoft replaces traditional flipbooks, with an easy-to-use "quick code" viewing tool.

Users can browse through summarized laws, and search for keywords.

Press "View full text..." for a link to the unabridged version.
Beat Map

View a simple beat map of your jurisdiction here.

Traditionally paper documents can be viewed here on the go.

Policy manuals, advisement cards, field guides, etc.
Training Activities
Select a Boundary

The app will prompt you to select a geographic boundary before starting any training exercises.

Typically your agency's beats, contract cities, or other jurisdictional areas will populate here.
Learn Streets

Start by selecting checkboxes for each category of streets you would like to work on.

The "select all" buttion will toggle all categories on/off.

After making your selection, click on "apply". Expandable categories should populate the list.

Certain options can be changed by clicking on the gear icon.

After clicking "start", the streets exercise will begin.
Learn Places

Start by selecting checkboxes for each category of places you would like to work on.

The "select all" buttion will toggle all categories on/off.

After making your selection, click on "apply". Expandable categories should populate the list.

Certain options can be changed by clicking on the gear icon.

After clicking "start", the places exercise will begin.
Call Response

This activity doesn't require any setup.

The user will be prompted to locate an address on the map.

The distance to the correct location will be shown after making each guess.
Where am I?

Similar to "call response" mode, but the prompt is image-based.

A panoramic image will be shown, and the user must find the location on the map.

The distance to the correct location will be shown after making each guess.
Vehicle ID

This is an exercise in identifying various makes/models of vehicles.

Recruits can also practice radio traffic for a virtual traffic stop.

The flashcards activity includes study material for recruits ranging from penal codes and radio codes, to case law.

Study material found here is pertinent to the user's jurisdiction, i.e. a Mountain View recruit will not see San Francisco radio codes.

After making selections for flashcard categories, press start.

The "shuffle" button (bottom left) will toggle randomization of flashcards.

For certain flashcard answers, the user can view the full legal documentation of that answer by clicking on the "link" button.
Our software provides an easy online way to test recruits' geographical knowledge.

Agencies can send lists of streets and/or places to be tested, and we create a customized online experience.

Test results are emailed to a specified proctor for grading.
General Use

In the top left, you'll see the menu button and the settings button.

In the top right, you'll see map controls for zoom and camera centering.
Main Menu

From the main menu, you can access all aspects of the application.

More information about the app can be found by clicking the "about" button.
Settings Menu

Under the settings menu, there are various options having to do with map visuals.

Changes should be visible immediately after closing the menu.